Illuminate Austin – A Walk for Safe Families
This luminaria-lined evening walk is an opportunity for our community to come together in support of survivors of sexual and domestic violence — and to raise essential funds for SafePlace.
24-hr SAFEline
512-267-SAFE [7233] | 737-888-7233 | Chat
This luminaria-lined evening walk is an opportunity for our community to come together in support of survivors of sexual and domestic violence — and to raise essential funds for SafePlace.
This luminaria-lined evening walk is an opportunity for our community to come together in support of survivors of sexual and domestic violence — and to raise essential funds for SafePlace.
This 2nd Annual luminaria-lined evening walk is an opportunity for our community to come together in support of survivors of sexual and domestic violence — and to raise essential funds for SafePlace.
This 2nd Annual luminaria-lined evening walk is an opportunity for our community to come together in support of survivors of sexual and domestic violence — and to raise essential funds for SafePlace.