Abril: Mes de la concienciación sobre las agresiones sexuales y de la prevención del maltrato infantil
Escrito por SAFE
With Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month both in Abril, we have an opportunity to discuss these forms of violence and the ways they are tied together. The SAFE Alliance and our partner organizations are hosting digital events throughout the month to help our community understand these serious health concerns.
Sexual assault affects 1 in 3 adult Texans over their lifetime.
In 2020, 251 children died due to abuse and neglect in Texas.
Upcoming Sexual Assault Awareness Month events
- Abril 15, noon CT– Legal avenues toward healing & justice panel: The Austin/Travis County Sexual Assault Response and Resources Team (SARRT) will host a conversation on the legal side of sexual violence. More info here.
- Abril 22, noon CT – Reporting to prosecution: Criminal justice options for victims of sexual assault: A discussion of the criminal justice system–from reporting sexual violence to prosecution–as well as options and support available to victims. (Hosted by SARRT). More info here.
- Abril 28 – Denim Day: People around the world wear jeans as a protest against the misconceptions that surround sexual violence. More info here.
- Abril 29, noon CT – Preventing sexual assault through community engagement: A conversation with prevention professionals about the basics of prevention work and how thoughtful engagement can lead to healthier communities. (Hosted by SARRT). More info here.
- Abril 29, 1 p.m. CT – AMA: SAFE Eloise House Forensic Clinic: A live Ask Me Anything (AMA) event featuring Jenny Black, SAFE’s Eloise House Forensic Nursing Director. More info here.
Upcoming Child Abuse Prevention Month events
- All month – Blue pinwheels around town: The blue pinwheel represents our community’s vision for a world where all children grow up happy, healthy, and prepared to succeed. We have planted blue pinwheels at the SAFE Children’s Shelter and Family Shelter campuses as well at various partner agencies throughout Austin. More info here.
- Abril 9 – Go Blue Day: Thousands of Texans will wear blue, the official color of prevention, to show their support for children.
- Week of Abril 12 – Tips for managing stress: SAFE’s Strong Start team is releasing a new video about tips for parents to help manage stress and strengthen the bond between children and their parents. Check SAFE’s social media for more info.
- Abril 25 – Blue Domingo: SAFE is working with working with United Way and local faith-based communities on Blue Domingo (Abril 25) to promote child abuse prevention.
- Abril 28, noon CT – Real talk about parenting and stress: A live panel featuring candid conversation about parenting and the struggle we all face. Check SAFE’s social media for more info.
Acerca de SAFE
At SAFE, we strive to provide safety, stability, and healing for children, adults, and families that have experienced violence and abuse. We do this by providing shelter and housing, support services, and prevention programs to stop the cycle of violence. Learn more at safeaustin.org.
Acerca de Strong Start
SAFE’s Strong Start program empowers families through early childhood services and family support. The program is for parents of children 0-11 years of age who are seeking positive strategies to improve their kids’ behavior and reduce the stress of parenting. Learn more at safeaustin.org/strongstart.
Acerca de Eloise House
SAFE’s Eloise House clinic provides 24/7 free sexual assault forensic exams and medical care. Learn more at safeaustin.org/eloisehouse.