A friendly Foster & Adopt water safety reminder
Written by Tifarah Quinters
As the temperatures rise and dreams of pool visits, lake trips, and beach vacations start bubbling up and popping around in our heads, we here at Foster and Adopt in Austin wanted to send out a reminder to watch kiddos around the water!
The state of Texas has already hit the double digits in 2018 for kids who have drowned. According to helpandhope.org 22 children have drowned this year.
Some tips to keep in mind
- Always, always supervise kiddos. Indoors or outdoors, drownings can happen in almost any amount of water.
- Any babysitter or caregiver helping out with children should be reminded to supervise them at all times.
- Swim lessons and water survival skills are beyond helpful. Secure access to personal swimming pools/hot tubs with fences, self-locking gates, and/or an alarm system connected to the doors that lead outside.
- Don’t assume children will use good judgment around water. Learn CPR and keep emergency numbers posted close by.
- Check if friends or family members have personal pools/hot tubs, and help them to get in the know with water safety!
If our foster families have any questions about water safety, please contact your case manager as soon as possible and we will answer any questions!
A few more tips
- Don’t forget to apply sunscreen (at least SPF 15) every two hours when out in the sun.
- Protect yourself and your kiddos from the sun with hats and sunglasses.
- Never leave children in the car, even for a moment. Temperatures rise quickly, which can lead to heatstroke in just minutes.
- Keep your kids hydrated! Children become dehydrated more quickly than adults, so make sure you take frequent hydration breaks.
Looking for more summer programs and free summer camps?
- Summer Food Service Program: Children and teens 18 and younger can eat healthy throughout the summer at no cost by showing up at a participating meal site.
- AISD Prime Time Summer Program
- Weekly field trips, engaging activities: Arts, technology, sports, science, breakfast and lunch, AISD bus transportation to and from select school locations.
- June 4-28, Mondays-Thursdays, K-4th grade.
- Austin Sunshine Camps
- Each camp session brings campers together for five days and four nights of exciting outdoor activities including canoeing, hiking, swimming, science, nature, cooking, arts and crafts, ropes course, and team building activities.