SAFE se opone al odio
Escrito por The SAFE Alliance
In a recent message to staff, clients, and supporters, SAFE’s executive leaders expressed their horror at the recent events in Charlottesville and reiterated the organization’s commitment to creating a safe and supportive society for all:
The incidents of hate, racism, bigotry and violence in Charlottesville were terrifying. All of us at SAFE vehemently stand against groups that incite fear and promote hate; groups like the KKK, Neo Nazis and others. Furthermore, we stand in solidarity with all of our staff, clients, volunteers and neighbors in denouncing these groups. And, as always, we stand in solidarity with the many communities in our society who continue to face oppression, hate and discrimination.
To those of you who work at SAFE, volunteer, or are served here, and have been targeted by hate: We are horrified, distressed and furious. We stand together in support of you and acknowledge that this incident is another blow in a long list of recent injustices. We commit ourselves individually and organizationally to being a place with no room for hate. We ask all of you to join us.
Los incidentes de odio, racismo, fanatismo y violencia en Charlottesville son aterradores. SAFE se opone vehementemente a los grupos que incitan el miedo y promueven el odio; grupos como el KKK, los Neo Nazi y otros. Nos solidarizamos con todo nuestro personal, clientes, voluntarios y vecinos en la denuncia de estos grupos. Nos solidarizamos con la comunidad afroamericana, la comunidad judía, la comunidad inmigrante, la comunidad LGBTQIA y otros que continúan enfrentándose a la opresión, el odio y la discriminación.
A ustedes que trabajan en SAFE, como voluntarios, o reciben servicios y que han sido atacados por el odio: Estamos horrorizados, angustiados y furiosos. Estamos unidos con ustedes para darles nuestro apoyo y reconocemos que este incidente es otro golpe de una larga lista de injusticias recientes. Nos comprometemos individualmente y como organización a ser un lugar sin espacio para el odio. Les pedimos a todos que se unan a nosotros.