Back to school amid a pandemic
Written by SAFE
**This story is about the Strong Start program providing school supplies to some of our SAFE client kids. That said, there is still a deep need for school supplies and for 40-50 new backpacks at SAFE for kids going back to school. You can click here to see our wishlist and purchase those items!
Back to school for kids is more stressful than usual this year, especially with online learning. Whether it be virtual or in person, kids are returning to class.
We want to give a big thank you to everyone who made our annual Back to School Drive a success this year! Having the right supplies is vital to a child’s success and educational motivation. SAFE put out a call for gifts of school supplies and we received enough donations to help more than 300 kids!
Our Strong Start team divided the supplies between more than 220 backpacks and distributed them to more than 120 families. It’s something Strong Start does every year, but due to COVID-19, the team found ways to complete the task while socially distanced.

Stuffed backpacks waiting to be delivered.
Staff members came in shifts throughout the day to pick up the backpacks and drop them off to client’s doorsteps instead of having clients pick them up in person. Additionally, the backpacks came with a bag of grocery items from Whole Foods. Whole Foods increased their gift card donation to SAFE this year, bringing the total to $1,500.

A SAFE staffer getting ready to drop off backpacks to Strong Start clients.
We also distributed more than 90 stuffed backpacks for the kids living in the SAFE Family Shelter and Children’s Shelter.
Thank you everyone who gave!

SAFE staff taking handfuls of backpacks to eager kids!