Supporting children exposed to violence
Written by The SAFE Alliance
Did you know that Expect Respect is not just for teens? The program also works in elementary schools to support young children exposed to violence and to increase capacity among teachers for handling trauma-related behaviors in the classroom.
Support groups are available at Austin ISD’s Govalle and Cook elementary schools and the following elementary schools in Manor ISD: Shadow Glen, Presidential Meadows, Blake Manor, and Bluebonnet Trails.
The support group approach builds authentic, trusting relationships that are essential for alleviating trauma symptoms and building social connections among children experiencing trauma and toxic stress. Expect Respect counselors work to develop skills for emotion regulation, communication, self-confidence, and personal safety for children participating in school-based groups.
Download teacher tip sheets for Building Connections, Children with sensory Needs, and Trauma-What to do.
For more information or to make a referral, please contact Agnes Aoki, LCSW, Expect Respect Counseling Manager, at or 512.356.1621.