Expect Respect: Healing happens in relationships
Written by The SAFE Alliance
“Even though I am young, I have the power to make a difference.” — Expect Respect support group participent
Expect Respect support groups serve children and youth who have experienced violence and adversity — children whose trust has been breached and who often feel silenced, hopeless, and disempowered.
Group sessions, led by licensed counselors and trained facilitators, support students in grades K-12 who have been exposed to violence or abuse in any form. Support groups are trauma-informed and center on building relationships, connections, and support to help youth find and use their voice.
“I now practice assertive communication in all my relationships.”
Expect Respect support groups are an effective strategy to reduce peer aggression among high-risk adolescent boys and girls, and additionally reduce teen dating violence perpetration and victimization among boys.
“I have learned what it is to be a leader and how I could make a change in my community.”
Make a referral for support groups and counseling
Referrals for Expect Respect support groups can be made at the following schools for the 2017-18 school year:
Austin ISD
High Schools: Akins, Anderson, Austin, Bowie, Crockett, Eastside, Garza, International, Lanier, LBJ, McCallum, Reagan, Travis.
Middle Schools: Bailey, Bedichek, Burnet, Covington, Fulmore, Martin, Mendez, Murchison, O’Henry, Paredes, Sadler Means YWLA, Small, Webb.
Elementary Schools: Govalle, Cook.
Contact Agnes Aoki at 512.356.1621 or aaoki@safeaustin.org.
Manor ISD:
High Schools: Manor High, Manor Excel Academy, Manor New Tech. Middle Schools: Manor, Decker, Manor New Tech
Elementary Schools: Shadow Glen, Presidential Meadows, Pioneer Crossing, Blake Manor
Contact Barbara Ball at 512.356.1623 or bball@safeaustin.org.