Have you used chat and text services on SAFEline? We want to hear from you!
Written by SAFEOur research partners at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) are evaluating SAFEline, SAFE’s hotline services, and would like to hear from you! UTMB is conducting surveys with new SAFEline chat and text hotline users. Anyone age 16 or older who has used chat or text services at SAFEline for the first time in the past 7 days is eligible to participate.
The confidential survey will ask about you, your needs and health, and experiences with the hotline. It will take about 20-25 minutes. Eligible participants will receive a $30 gift card for taking the survey.
Interested in seeing if you are eligible for the survey? Learn more and sign up to a get a survey link here: https://utmbcar.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0MnncRVQcmU3TDM
Esta encuesta también está disponible en español.