Highlighting philanthropy: The marvelous mask makers!

Noviembre 19, 2020
A photo of two people standing next to each other, facing forward. They are wearing masks that say SAFE: stop abuse for everyone on them.

Thank you to all the local businesses and organizations that stepped up and pivoted their entire business models to help fight the pandemic!

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La historia de Kristin: Romper el ciclo

Noviembre 19, 2020
Una imagen fija de un vídeo. La imagen muestra a una mujer de pie en un podio dando un discurso.

This is Kristin’s story of about the traumas of abuse, the healing she experienced, and her commitment to breaking the cycle of violence for her children.

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Domestic Violence Awareness Month free web events

Octubre 16, 2020
Photos of Megan Thee Stallion and Rihana.

Octubre is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Join us for a free dance class and a 2-part series about domestic violence and making space for the self-empowerment Black women.

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Futuros seguros: Ayudar a las familias a mantenerse fuertes

Octubre 15, 2020
Una foto de una mujer sonriendo. Está de pie junto a su hija pequeña, que también sonríe, aunque no tan expresivamente como su madre.

SAFE Futures marca la diferencia en las vidas de supervivientes como Janice, veterana militar y madre de una niña de 3 años.

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¿Qué es la alienación parental?

Octubre 15, 2020
Una foto en blanco y negro de una mujer y dos niños.

La alienación parental es compleja. Los defensores de los niños y los supervivientes deben comprender la diferencia entre la alienación parental y la crianza protectora.

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Statement: Victims of child sex trafficking hiding in plain sight

Septiembre 18, 2020
A photo of the SAFE logo printed on a steel panel

Child sex trafficking is not a conspiracy theory. When we subscribe to misconceptions, we are in danger of missing the vast majority of victims who are hidden in plain sight.

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Nuevas opciones de formación en línea sobre el acoso laboral

Septiembre 18, 2020
Una ilustración de personas en un entorno surrealista lleno de bloques de colores

¡Nuestras formaciones sobre acoso laboral están disponibles en línea! BASE Training ofrece dos nuevas opciones de formación en línea.

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Coordinated Entry: Meeting the needs of abuse survivors facing homelessness

Septiembre 1, 2020
A black and white photo of a Black/African American woman looking at the camera.

Our Coordinated Entry initiative creates a centralized screening process to help survivors of violence and abuse find housing.

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Families: Coping with the pandemic when you have schoolkids with disabilities

Agosto 25, 2020
A family of four spending time outside together. A clear blue sky is in the background. The family is made up of two adults and two children.

School supplies line the store aisles in anticipation of an unkowable school year. And for a mom of 2 sons with autism spectrum disorder, the unknown is especially troublesome.

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Back to school amid a pandemic

Agosto 14, 2020
A photo of a person carrying multiple back packs. The photo does not show anyone's face.

As part of our annual Back to School Drive, SAFE received enough donations of school supplies to help more than 300 kids!

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